Dirty and Damaged Carpets in Castle Rock Co: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Dirty and Damaged Carpets in Castle Rock Co: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Dirty and Damaged carpets IN Castle Rock carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co



Have you ever took a good look at your carpets? Have you actually moved your couch and seen the difference between where nothing has been on the carpets opposed to the rest. Have you actually got on your hands and knees and spread the carpet fibers and looked deep in the fibers. Just how soiled and dingy are your carpets? Most people think there carpets aren't that dirty, Well are you ready for this Pepsi challenge, cause chances are your carpets are dirtier than you might think. If your carpets are dirtier than you think don’t feel guilty or embarrassed. Most peoples carpets are probably worse than yours, but that doesn't mean your carpets don't need cleaning. . Many Castle Rock homeowners find that cleaning the carpets are an inconvenience that they just don't have time or the money for. 

The problem with a dirty carpet that gets neglected or put off is the damage that what in your carpets can do. You may think well it's just a little soil no big deal, but didyou know that soil in your carpets has nitrogen in it. Nitrogen in time can be devastating to your carpets, as it can slowly bond to the fibers and cause oxidation. What this oxidation will do is cause the fibers dye to fade. When this happens colors tend to look gray. This sill gives the appearance of a dirty carpet but it's much worse than that. Your carpets colors are now gone and damaged and no cleaning will reverse this dirty grey looking appearance. Also the dirt is slowly grinding away your carpets fibers creating traffic patterns. This is also irreversible. 

If your carpets are starting to look even just a little dirty, don't wait until the damage is done. Call TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock and let keep your carpets cleaned and those fibers and colors healthy. 

If you want to learn more about, Dirty and Damaged in Castle Rock Co visit us at tlccarpetcare.net or call us at 720-314-0178 

Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock 

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