Getting Ready For Your Carpet Cleaning Appointment In Castle Rock Co

Getting Ready For Your Carpet Cleaning Appointment In Castle Rock Co 

Preparing your carpets before carpet cleaning appointment would allow the carpet cleaning process to run with seamlessly for you and the carpet technician. Carpet cleaning companies like TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock are always there to provide you professional assistance if you need help moving anything. If your carpets are in of professional carpet cleaning services, here are some tips tp prepare for your cleaning appointment. 
Given below are some things that you should do for a thorough carpet cleaning job.

Remove Most of the Light Furniture

Prior to the arrival of carpet cleaning technicians, make sure to remove all the light furniture that you may want cleaned underneath. You may want to hold off on putting your furniture back until the carpets are completely dry.  Also a vacuuming of the carpets is necessary if you have pets. 

Remove Valuables

Make sure to remove all the small breakable items. Vases, are work, and pictures on stair walls. Make sure you tuck in bed skirts and move any area rugs you want cleaned underneath. 

Secure your Pets

Make sure to have any pets secured during and after the carpet cleaning appointment. Allowing a few hours of dry time before you allow them back on the carpets.  This will keep them safe slipping an sliding on wet floors. 


If you have any questions on: How To Prepare For Your Carpet Cleaning Appointment visit us at or call us at 720-314-0178 

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