Professional Steam Cleaning for Oriental Rugs & Area Rugs: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Professional Steam Cleaning for Oriental Rugs & Area Rugs: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Professional Steam Cleaning for Oriental Rugs & Area Rugs Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

With TLC Carpet Care our steam cleaning gets deep in your rugs removes dirt, kills bacteria and extracts pet dander and dust mite from your rugs while also getting your rugs amazingly clean. 

Your rug is probably not like any other rug as being the only one made and it requires specialized cleaning. Due to the wide variety of different rugs and there styles, your TLC Carpet Care tech will check the tag on the back of the rug to help determine the makeup of the rug and the manufactures cleaning instructions for the recommended method of cleaning. Most all Oriental and area rugs can be professionally steam cleaned. There are very few rugs at all that cannot be steam cleaned, such as Sisal rugs which cannot be cleaned at all as it will shrink. 

Our area rug cleaning technicians will also inspect your area rugs for difficult ph problems that could cause stains, such as previous carpet cleaning chemicals and or house hold items like soap. Soap or shampoo should never be used on a rug. 

TLC Carpet Care in Caste Rock will clean your rugs with safe treatments used mainly for wool and natural fibers. Treatments that are hard on soils and yet still gentle on the fibers they clean. TLC Carpet Care technicians have been trained to identify and clean any type of rug on the planet. There is no rug that we haven't cleaned or seen. 

With so many different types of area rugs if you would like a quote to get your Oriental or area rug cleaned, just take a picture of your area rug front and back of the rug and also send us the dimensions of your rugs. Upload those pics and we can get you a free estimate over the phone for your convenience. 

Call TLC Carpet Care now to learn more at 720-314-0178 or for more info on: Professional steam cleaning for oriental rugs and area rugs visit us at 

Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock Co

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