Safe and Clean Carpet Cleaning
Lots of companies in Newport Beach and Orange County Counties provide carpet cleaning
Why are we different?
Because we are meticulous fanatics that’s why. If you really want a deep down and thorough carpet or rug cleaning, we are your top choice.
We take many steps to ensure a proper cleaning of your carpets. We work hard to remove the stains too. We also go to great lengths to make sure stains don’t come back too.
There are many important ingredients to getting a great carpet cleaning. We start with the very best carpet cleaning technicians that are trained AND very experienced. We then give them the latest state-of-the-art equipment that does the best carpet cleaning job. We also provide them
with the best carpet cleaning solutions that provide the deep clean while protecting your carpeting.
Remember, you don’t pay a dime until you’re completely happy with our work!
Call TLC Carpet Care Today: 720.314.0178