Commercial Carpet Cleaning- Parker CO Commercial carpet receives many times the traffic of typical residential carpet. That's why it's important to select (fiber, construction, pile design, color) and install commercial carpet that fits a building user's needs. However, once that carpet is properly selected and installed, its durability and lasting beauty is highly dependent on the ongoing maintenance and cleaning programs.
The first critical component in programmed maintenance and cleaning is routine vacuuming coupled with rapid response to spots and spills. Carpet serves as a "sink" or collection point for everything that is tracked in or settles out of the air. Qualities such as sound absorption, slip resistance and soil-trapping ability makes it the most desirable floor covering in many buildings. Ultimately, however, even the best maintained carpet must be thoroughly cleaned to empty the "sink."
This is where -certifed technicians come in. They have the equipment, training and experience not only to empty the "sink," but also to restore the color and beauty of commercial carpet, while improving overall indoor environmental quality in the building. Call TLC Carpet Care Today: 720,314.0178