How to Deodorize Your Carpets Yourself
Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
Has your carpets starting to release some odors? Maybe somedays you don't notice. Maybe on humid days it can be really noticeable? Perhaps you have pets and those adorable little fur balls tend to have accidents. The reality is especially if your training a pet that has yet to be house broken, then you may get accidents on a daly basis. The realty is you need the services of a professional carpet cleaning company like TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co, but you can't afford that every time there is an accident. So what do you do? Are you looking for an Inexpensive way to Deodorize your Carpets and without having to spend a ton of money. Well TLC Carpet Care has an easy solution just for you and it could already be in your cabinet. Did you know a box of baking soda can actually help draw out bacteria from your carpets? It's true. Baking soda can actually kill bacteria membrains. What you want to do is use a towel and gentle absorb as much of the urine and bacteria. Then let it dry. Then apply baking soda on the carpet letting it set over night. In the morning just grab your vacuum cleaner and start extracting it all up. If you can still smell you may want to try more baking soda and repeat the process. Now this may or may not be a complete removal of the bacteria but it will help a lot and it will definitely save you money in between carpet cleaning appointments.
When you do decide that your ready for a professional carpet cleaning appointment call TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co at 720-314-0178. Also be sure to visit us at
Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co