Is It Possible to Keep Carpets Cleaner Longer: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
Keeping your carpets clean maybe seem to be like an endless chore. Is it possible to keep your carpets cleaner longer? Well for starters getting your carpets professionally cleaned once a year is recommended. Here are some more cleaning tips that TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock wanted to share with you to protect your carpets and keep them cleaner longer between professional steam cleanings.
- Vacuum at least once a week, or more often if you have a breed of cats or dogs that shed more heavily or are constantly coming in and outside.
- Clean your vacuum at least once a week and make sure you change and or empty the filter as well. A dirty and smelly vacuum cleaner will not work as effectively when vacuuming our carpets.
- Use an air purifier that has a quality HVAC filter to trap dust, pollens, pet hair and other contaminates before they can get embedded in your carpets.
- If you have cats and dogs nothing can make a carpet smell worse than dander. Make sure to have your pets professionally groomed and you can always brush them yourself in between those cleanings to reduce the amount of pet dander. Bathing your pet is also highly recommended.
- Clean spills as soon as they happen. In general, blot instead the spill, and work from the outside-in to avoid spreading the spill. Spray using TLC Carpet Care's Home Pro Spotter and rinse with a cold water, and then blot dry with a towel.
- Use a dark colored rubber door matt at all door way entrances at your home to reduce the amount of soil and chemicals that can be tracked inside on to your carpets.
- Remove your muddy and dirty shoes before entering your Castle Rock home.
- Know what your carpet fibers are made of and what the carpet manufacture recommends for proper cleaning of that fabric and how best to clean it.
- If you would like additional info on, is it possible to keep your carpets cleaner longer visits us at or call us at 720-314-0178 / Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock Co