Pet Stain & Odor Removal Castle Rock Co: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
When it come to the options for pet stain and odor removal foe carpets understand the choices for urine treatment and pet stains, please familiarize yourself with the information TLC Capet Care in Castle Rock Co has provided below on what we have available.
TLC's Black light – Urine glows in the dark under a black light often identifying the urine stains that you likely may have not been aware of. Lights must be turned off to see spots effectively.
TLC's Deodorizers – TLC Carpet Care uses several deodorizers while treating urine. We will not use a deodorizer that is simply heavily perfumed to temporarily cover up the smell All our professional deodorizers are an additional cost. Don’t fall for a carpet cleaning company that uses an added deodorizer (perfume) to their cleaning solution as a cure-all. This is not good enough for bacteria.
TLC's Standard Cleaning – Not recommended for bigger dogs. Best for small dogs and minimal urine. Price included.
Urine areas are clearly visible and areas known or identified with black light. Get choice of moderate urine treatment before and/or after cleaning.
TLC's Pet Solutions Package – TLC Carpet Care has a Pet Solutions Package combining enzymatic treatment along with Urine Stain Remover. The enzymes are designed to digest call bacteria that can continue to work up to seven days and the Urine Stain Remover will slowly reverse the yellowing caused the the acidity of said urine. this takes a manner of a few hours.
For more information on Pet Stain and Odor Removal call TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co at 720.314.0178 and you can feel free to visit our website at