Professional Porcelain Tile Cleaning ; Castle Rock Co
When it comes to getting your hard surfaces professionally cleaned look no further than TLC Carpet Care In Castle Rock Co. They have the knowledge and experience to care for all your flooring.
TLC Carpst Care's Porcelain Tile Floor Care & Most kind of tiles are made from clay or a mixture of
clay and other raw materials and then kiln-fired, are considered to be a part of the larger classification called These tiles can be made into many groups, porcelain tiles and non-porcelain tiles. These tiles are frequently characterized to as ceramic tiles by themselves, separate from porcelain tiles – confusing! Ceramic tiles are generally made from red or white clay fired in a kiln. They are almost always finished with a durable glaze, which carries the colors and patterns. These tiles are made in both walls and floors applications. Non-porcelain ceramic tiles are usually suitable for very light to moderate high traffic and generally have a relatively high water absorption rates making them mostly frost resistant and they are more prone to stains and chipping than porcelain tiles. Porcelain tile is more scratch resistant than ceramic tile. Also, porcelain tile is fired at higher temperatures than ceramic, resulting in superior durability and stain resistance.
Unglazed tile is generally made by the dust pressed method from porcelain clays which result in a tile that is dense, impervious, fine grained and smooth, with a sharply formed face. Porcelain tiles usually have a much lower water absorption rate (less than 0.5%) than non-porcelain ceramic tiles making them frost resistant. TLC Carpet Care's Porcelain Tile Floor Cleaning requires that it carry the color and pattern through the entire thickness of the tile making them virtually impervious to wear and are suitable for any application from residential to the highest traffic commercial or industrial applications. Because porcelain tile is fire-hardened and quite hard, it can be cleaned at pressures up to 1,400 PSI if the grout is in good condition.
TLC Carpet Cares unglazed tiles are similar to glazed tile, except that their surface is not coated. Full-body porcelain unglazed tiles do not show wear because their color extends throughout the tile, making them ideal for commercial applications.
Call TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co Today;720.314.0178
Sealing Ceramic and Porcelain Tile & Grout
TLC Carpet Care Glazed tiles are made with a liquid glass, which is then baked into the surface of the tile. The glaze provides an varring array of colors and designs as well as protects the tile from staining. A glazed tile is made stain proof, so there is no purpose to putting on a sealer on the tile. However, the grout joint between the tiles is usually extremely porous and generally made of a cement material. Therefore, grout joints typically will need to be cleaned, sealed and maintained properly to prevent stains and oxidation. Impregnating sealers such as grout sealer go into the grout joint and protect against water and oil-based stains. Most industry professionals recognize that grout is best protected with a fl chemical -based sealer, such as Impregnator pro or all purpose grout sealer If the grout joint is epoxy, a sealer is not necessary.
Call TLC Carpet Care today: 720.314.0178