Proper Cleaning of Natural Rugs: Carpet Cleanings Castle Rock Co
Our TLC Carpet Care carpet cleaning methods have been specifically created to properly clean natural fibers without shrinking or removing any of the natural oils in wool rugs. These natural oils act as a preservative and help to keep the fibers soft and healthy. Whether Persian or Oriental your area rug will receive proper cleaning and careful attention to detail from TLC Carpet Care.
Our clients area rugs are extremely valuable and need to be cleaned with the proper and upmost care. Our area rug cleaning methods will ensure your rugs are cleaned and maintain soft feel while leaving them free of soil and contaminates.
If you live in Castle Rock Co, you have the choice to have your area rugs cleaned at your home or in our cleaning shop. We can accommodate how ever many rugs you have and no matter how soiled they maybe. We also have special enzyme formulas in the event you are experiencing pet odors. You may even want to consider have you valuable are rug protected by our special Dupont Protector for Wool.
We our open Monday thru Saturday from 7:00am to 7:00 pm, exception of major holidays.
Call TLC Carpet Care at 720-314-0178 today to schedule a FREE estimate. One of our certified area rug cleaning technicians can inspect and evaluate the safest and most effective way of cleaning your area rugs.
If you would like more info on: Proper Cleaning Of Natural Rugs visit us at
Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock