Scotchgard Protection For Carpets: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock CO
TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co recommends applying a fabric protection such as Scotch-Gard after your carpet is professionally steamed cleaned or as we use, hot water extraction. Many have heard of the benefits of fabric protection or Scotchgard brand carpet protection put on your carpet after carpet cleaning. Here is a little bit of helpful information about Scotcgard protection. First of all, when you buy new carpet from a carpet manufacturer, your carpets comes with a warranty spill protection usually five years. That comes from the application of Scotchgard or other fabric protectors applied deep into to your carpets in the manufacturing stage. The Scotchgard is heat set into the carpet fibers, and this creates a barrier on the fibers that protect the carpet from spills and stains seeping in. It is important to understand that Scotchgard protection on new carpet does not cover all spills and stains, like you just can't spill a gallon of paint and think its going to be ok, but it helps repel most of the common spills and food stains that homeowners encounter with everyday activity on the carpet. The makers of carpet feel this is an important part of their new carpets they sell as they want the buyer to enjoy their carpet for many years. Without the addition of Scotchgard, or fabric protection, carpets would rapidly soil and wear out much quicker than they need to.. Many will recall the carpet of the 1980's. Back in those years, fabric protection was not available then, and carpets got dirty very quickly. Shag carpet especially, because it was a very thick fiber and did not have the Scotchgard protector built in to the yarn really began to show the soils and hide the contaminates rather quickly, and of course this almost led many to go back to hard surface flooring. So, the carpet manufactures started doing thins differently, and came up with a solution that has improved carpeting for many decades now, that being the application of Scotchgard or another quality fabric protector. It is good to note that Scotchgard protection should be reapplied to your carpet every two years and annual carpet cleaning . All fabric protectors will wear after a few years, and Scotchgard is no different. Scotchgard protection really should be applied by TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co. We have been using Scotchgard Protection For Carpets to apply it properly so it will make your carpets look like the day you first cleaned them. Give us a call at: 720.314.0178 and you can also visit us at