Tile and Grout Cleanings: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Tile and Grout Cleanings: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

Tile & Grout Cleaning: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co



For most homeowners in Castle Rock Co, the old reliable mop is the cleaning tool of choice when it comes to tile and grout cleaning.  Although this appears to work to do the job, eventually you start to notice the grout lines getting darker and darker in the traffic areas. Moping seems to only do so much and ins some cases can make thing worse. Soil and soap from the mop has been absorbed into the grout between the tile leaving it soiled and dirty even with darker grout colors.

Next you end up breaking your back tyrion to clean it with a  toothbrush. It's amazing what you can do with a tooth brush and several long back breaking hours of pain staking labor on your hands and knees, however, if you have more important things to do and your tired of the pain TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co has a better way.  

TLC Carpet Care's powerful truck mounted cleaning system can clean and restore the natural beauty of your ceramic and porcelain tile and grout quickly and within your budget . With TLC Carpet Care your  grout lines will no longer be dirty, and you save time and money. TLC Carpet Care uses high PSI blast dirt and grime from the tile and grout with a powerful tile and grout cleaning tool. Simultaneously, steam blast away the dirt and soaps.

After cleaning, TLC Carpet Care  recommends protecting your tile and grout by sealing it. The sealer is invisible but prevents soils and liquids from penetrating the grout. Cleaning your tile and grout will be much easier for you in the future.  

Our professional cleaning and polishing add sparkle to your surfaces and even buff out minor scuffs and scratches. We clean a variety of natural stone surfaces including marble, granite, limestone and slate. When cleaning tile we also thoroughly flush out difficult grout.

For more Info on Tile and Grout Cleaning Call TLC Carpet Care today at 720.314.0178 and you can also visit us at tlccarpetcare.net