Truck-Mounted Carpet Cleaners and The Benefits: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock

Truck-Mounted Carpet Cleaners and The Benefits: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock

Truck-Mounted Carpet Cleaners and the Benefits

Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co


When carpets are cleaned, some type of carpet cleaning machine will need to be used to achieve the desired end goals. There is a few options that you should consider for professionally cleaning your carpets and each has there own benefits. When it comes to steam cleaning there are what is called commercial portals and then there a commercial truck-mounts. The commercial portable has a benefit that it can be mobile. This means it can be used anywhere. Such places would be high rise buildings like commercial buildings and or high-rise apartments. The negative us that to lacks extraction power and heat, which means it won't clean nearly as well as the truck-mount.The downside because it gets carried in your home, it is quite noisy. 

 Now, the truck-mount is not mobile. It is mounted in a van and is primarily used in residential homes. The benefit of a truck-mount carpet cleaning machine is that it provides the most power when it comes to extraction, which means your carpets are cleaner longer. It has hotter cleaning temperatures over 200 degrees and higher psi. Simply put it's the most thorough carpet cleaning machine on the planet. 

TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock knows how to use both commercial and truck-mount cleaning technologies. Thou we primarily use the truck-mount carpet cleaning systems residential customers in Castle Rock clearly see the benefits. 

If you would like to know more about: Truck mounted carpet cleaners and the Benefits visit us at or call us at 720-314-0178. 

Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock 

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