Vacuumming Carpets before Carpet Cleaning- Castle Rock
I read someplace the other day about "How To Vacuum".
The instructions said, "First, get your vacuum." Wow!
That's probably the best advice you'll ever get! Actually, before I drag my vacuum out, there are a few other things you need to know first:
Basic house cleaning rules tell you to begin on the top, at the back. That means if you have more than a one storey home, start on the top level in the room furthest from the stairwell. Since vacuuming is the job you should do last in any room, you should already have picked up clutter and put things away, removed cobwebs, dusted and polished furniture.
Draperies and furniture should be vacuumed first.
Replace the furniture and begin vacuuming in the corner that is farthest from the door and work towards the door, using gliding, even strokes, backing to the door. As you look over the freshly vacuumed floor, you should see no footprints.
How to Vacuum your Carpet Like a Pro
- In areas where you use "throw" or "scatter" rugs, pick them up and shake them out-of-doors. Then fold them neatly, place on the side of the tub or on a chair until you are ready to put them back on the floor.
- Do a walk-through of your carpeted areas picking up clutter and any large pieces of debris that your vacuum cannot suck up such as leaves from shedding house plants, small toys, paper clips, anything that is obvious.
- If you have a hand carpet sweeper, give the carpet a quick "pick-me-up". You may be able to avoid having to use your heavier vacuum cleaner this time.
- Use an anti-static spray on your dust mop or dust rag and run around the baseboard where dust collects next to the carpet.
- Most vacuums will not get right up to the edge where wall meets floor, so use a good stiff broom with some elbow grease and give that area a good sweeping before you vacuum.
- Check the vacuum bag! If it is full, or close to it, replace it before starting.
- Survey the area and be sure there are no objects on the surface that might plug up the vacuum or damage it.
- Push the vacuum slowly keeping in a straight path as much as possible. You should be able to see a pattern in the nap indicating where it has been vacuumed so you won't keep going over the same area.
- For stubborn, embedded soil, however, it may be necessary for repetitious strokes to do a thorough cleaning.
- Watch the power cord - try not to run over it too many times. It doesn't suck up well.
- Whenever you see a loose thread sticking out of your carpet, snip it off immediately. Don't pull on it as it can cause damage by unraveling the very fabric of the carpet. Chances are, it's just a snag and you'll never see it again.
- For all your Carpet Cleaning needs call TLC Carpet Care Today: 720.314.0178