When and How Should I Clean Area Rugs: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

When and How Should I Clean Area Rugs: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

When and How Should I Clean Area Rugs? Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co


When should you clean your carpets. Well considering your rugs are like a giant filter and trap dirt, soils, pollens, gasses, dust mites, bugs, pet bacteria and pet dander and other pollutants between their fibers, then release them back into the air when you walk on your carpets. Obviously cleaning your rugs,  a certain degree of frequency is very important, Also considering the obvious tracking of dirt from one’s feet when you walk in from outside. All of this is why regular rug cleaning maintenance is so important. Weekly vacuuming, more if it’s a heavy traffic area, should be a great place for most homeowners to start. Me as a cat owner, I vacuum daily. That may sound extreme but it only takes a few minute of my day and it makes a huge difference. I just plan it around my normal cleaning chores. 

As for professional steam-cleaning, there’s a need to clean rugs on a schedule and frequency. At the very least you should just clean the rugs twice a year,  especially when they are visibly dirty or have an odor that is starting to effect this entire room. However, given that the UV rays from the sun can help in the rug cleaning process, summer months are a good time for rug cleaning and it's really great for drying out as your will dry quickly in the sun. 

As far as recommended method of cleaning, always check the manufactures tag on the back of the rug for instructions. They will either recommend steam cleaning or a dry cleaning method. If unsure call your local carpet cleaning company like TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock Co. 

If you would like to know more about, when and how should I clean area rugs visit us at tlccarpetcare.net  / 720-314-0178

 Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock 

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